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Whisky / Bourbon Whiskwe sour

Whisky / Bourbon Whiskwe sour

Sure, whisky is not for everyone. But one thing is for certain: no one can turn their nose up at our version of a whisky sour! A perfect balance between the acidity of lemon and lime, the comforting notes of mint and the woody touch of whisky. Simply put: a little ray of sunshine to light up the coldest days!

Produit utilisé

-1 oz whisky/bourbon of your choice (Maker’s Mark, Knob Creek, Bulleit…)
-1 oz lemon juice
-1 oz Wild Mint Mojito Syrup
-1 egg white
-Short glass of your choice


Shake all the ingredients except the ice to make an emulsion.
Add the ice and shake again to chill the cocktail.
Pour into the glass and enjoy!

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