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Tasting box Cerise Griotte, Bleuet/Lavande, Menthe Sauvage

Tasting box Cerise Griotte, Bleuet/Lavande, Menthe Sauvage

35.00 $ 30 $

In discovery mode? Looking to treat a loved one?
We’ve got you covered with this delightful tasting gift set, available in three delicious flavors. Perfect for exploring new tastes and sharing the joy of Kwe Cocktails!

Sirop Cerise Griotte
Sirop Bleuet/Lavande
Sirop Menthe Sauvage


Sirop Cerise Griotte: Griottes, Sucre, eau, Citron, Acide citrique
Sirop Bleuet/Lavande: Sucre, Jus de bleuets, Eau, Thé du Labrador, Acide citrique, Fleurs de Lavande
Sirop Menthe Sauvage: Eau, Sucre, Lime, Menthe sauvage

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